
IRMO Brief 12/2019, "Volodymyr Zelensky’s Sweeping Victories: Is Ukraine’s Turn Toward the West Definite?"

For more than half a decade Ukraine has been one of epicenters on the map of geopolitical crises in the world and consequently drawn...


For more than half a decade Ukraine has been one of epicenters on the map of geopolitical crises in the world and consequently drawn a lot of international attention worldwide. Ever since it gained its independence form the crumbling Soviet Union in 1991, Ukraine was a sort of buffer zone between the West and East, between the United States and European allies on the one hand, and the Russian Federation on the other. With the change of political elites and their political preferences, the orientation of the country also changed. Ukraine has been dominated by Russia as the Russian Empire penetrated deep toward the Black Sea in the 17th century, and the position of inferiority towards Moscow was also the case in the USSR.