General elections in the United Mexican States that are to be held on July 1st will largely determine the future development in this...
General elections in the United Mexican States that are to be held on July 1st will largely determine the future development in this Latin American country with the population of more than 120 million. Mexico is a federal republic, comprising of 32 states, and it has a presidential government meaning that the president is both the head of state and government. On the same day the Mexicans will elect the new president, 500 members in the lower house of the Congress of the Union, the Chamber of Deputies, and 128 members in the upper house, the Senate of the Republic. What makes these elections even more significant is the fact that the local elections will also be held on July 1st in as much as 30 Mexican states. For all these reasons, the July elections will have a huge impact on the country that is the 16th economy and the biggest Spanish speaking country in the world.
Climate change has become one of humanity’s most concerning issues in recent decades. To fight its consequences and...